It’s Official - join us to launch the creative bureaucracy spirit

Welcome - we’re excited that you can join us.  

To celebrate the launch of the Australia and New Zealand Hub. We’ve invited creative thinkers, including our team, to describe what creative bureaucracy means to them.  We then invite you to help shape the spirit and ethos of the creative bureaucracy movement in Australia and New Zealand.

Grab a cuppa, sit back and watch the full playlist below (Total 45:48 minutes) - or click each Video Title and watch the individuals videos on YouTube.

Our digital launch program includes:

  1. Meet the Hub team (12:05 mins) Robbie Slape sets the scene and introduces the Creative Bureaucracy Festival Hub, by outlining why we think we need a creative bureaucracy movement in our region and introduces our team of current and former public servants - Margie Caust, Amber Guette and Kate Spencer. We each share why creative bureaucracy matters to them and what they hope for from the Australian and New Zealand Hub. Robbie keeps things ticking along.

  2. The Backstory:  What is a creative bureaucracy festival? (19:41 mins) Amber Guette chats with Charles Landry and Robyn Bennett about the Creative Bureaucracy Festival journey from where it all began in Berlin, to when her trip to the Berlin Creative Bureaucracy Festival in 2023 changed her life and set the spark to bring the Festival spirit to our region. Amber catches up with Charles and Robyn from the Festival to reflect on what makes it such a great experience. Is it a ‘spa day for bureaucrats’ as one attendee described it? Is it a ‘matchmaking service’? Listen and find out!

  3. What does it take to be creative in government? (12:42 mins) Amber Guette talks to Allyn Robins in New Zealand. As a former civil servant, creative thinker and now AI Lead for the Brainbox Institute in New Zealand, Allyn reflects on creativity in a Government context. He shares why believes many people in government work in small, quiet ways to make things better.  Yet their isolation can be draining.  Perhaps the Creative Bureaucracy Festival Hub can start to build connections?  

  4. What’s Next? (1:20 mins)  Kate Spencer gives a quick wrap up of what’s next and the ways you can get involved.


The Reasonable Public Servant


Creative Bureaucrats are Everywhere