About the Australia & New Zealand Hub

The Creative Bureaucracy Festival Hub - Australia and New Zealand is a regional offshoot of the main Creative Bureaucracy Festival in Berlin. We are a small group of passionate Australians and New Zealanders who have come together to help progress creative bureaucracy in our region.

Our vision

  • To build a bigger conversation about public values, creativity and public service. 

  • To celebrate a more confident, outward looking, braver and ethical public service. 

  • To challenge existing narratives and showcase examples of what is possible and what can be achieved. 

  • To explore how to transform the lived experience of working within, with, and alongside government.

Image Credit: Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

About Us

The truth is we are every public servant or person working in, or with, the public sector that wants to do things differently.

The Creative Bureaucracy Festival - Australian and New Zealand Hub started with a small core team inspired to build a community in our region. We are growing into a network of fellow enthusiasts who have put up their hand to host and volunteer to support events and activities throughout Australia and New Zealand.

If you would like to get involved in any way - please get in touch and join our community.

Core Organising Group - Australia & New Zealand

Margie Caust

Amber Guette

Robbie Slape

Kate Spencer


Catherine Althaus

Leigh Abernethy

Naomi Sunderland

Ruth Toomey

Damian Vanderwolf

Wellington, NZ

Annika Naschitzki

Carin Sundstedt

Freda Wells


Bek Claridge

Chelsea Timms

Isabella Fiore

Jen Marslen

Jessica McCormick

Jimmy Murphy

Megan Humble

Melissa Shaw 

Patrycja Rosinska


Chris Vanstone

Kerry Jones

Jessica Watson

Aron Hausler


Samara McIlroy

Dean Cracknell

Jaime Parsons

Arthur Shemitz

Alexis Baum


Alli Edwards

Thea Snow

Keira Lowther

Anika Baset

Kalina Krawczyk

Milana Momcilovic


Martin Stewart-Weeks

Rodger Watson

Bani Singh


Bonnie Shaw